Real Talk | Dr Pepper Addiction

Real Talk | Dr Pepper Addiction

There is patients out there that I have seen that are addicted to certain foods, specifically Dr. Pepper. I don’t think they quite understand it’s not really their fault. Their brain is wired to be addicted to corn fructose syrup. The food companies know this, which is why they push it on us. They give us a whole aisle of this. Walk down the aisle, The Valley of Death is what I call it.
They should hang up a sign that says, “I shall fear no evil. As I walked down the valley of death.” My God, it’s everywhere. Corn fructose, high fructose corn syrup. The most addictive food substance known to man. These companies know this, which is why they increased the supply by 1200 percent in the last six years.
They are dumping it on us to make us slaves to their product. We have to stop this. If you come to my office, we have to stop this. I am going to be there. I’m going to assist you. I’m going to come up with a game plan. How to get you off the Dr. Pepper. You have to get off high fructose corn syrup.
You have to get off it for the rest of your life. If you cannot make this commitment, and I will be there to hold your hand and help you the best I can. I have medication, too, which can make it taste awful for you. I will make it as easy as I can, But if you cannot let go of it, I cannot help you.
You have to let go. You have to make these changes. You have to get away from it for the rest of your life.
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