15 Jan Real Talk | Complications of Surgery
You are going to deal with B12 deficiency. You are going to deal with iron deficiency anemia. That is a universal truth with all weight loss surgeries. So you might want to ask, am I going to be vitamin deficient? Am I going to be iron deficient? And the answer is going to be yes. And they’re like, Well, you might be, but that’s for your primary care doctor to to fix.
Wait a minute, Doctor. You are creating another problem. In addition to my current problem, which is overweight. And I’m going to have a problem, a vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency for the rest of my life. The answer is yes, you are. So you better hang on because you’re going to have to deal with this, too. Now, what is this going to entail?
Well, for iron deficiency, they’re going to want you to take iron pills, which are incredibly irritating to your stomach. So I’m going to be nauseated, sick for quite a few months for the rest of your life. And you’ll have to take these six, seven, eight months a year, or you can just skip that altogether. And every three or four years going to have an I.V. stuck in your arm and have iron injected into your vein, because that’s what that’s going to take a lot of the medications you’re taking because your stomach surgery is not going to be able to be absorbed.
So there’s going to be problems with taking certain medications. A lot of new stuff is going to make you a little bit more nauseated and you’re going to be throwing up a little bit more. You’re going to develop dumping syndrome. Your gallbladder is not going to be working very well. So we got some issues that you really need to do your homework and research about before you start going down the path of committing to something that’s permanent.
Okay. So I really like things that we can stop and reevaluate and re approach and medications and knowledge is a way we can do that.
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