20 Jan 7 Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana
1. Insomnia Relief
Insomnia can be caused by many different reasons; cannabis thankfully can assist by tackling the source. If you feel constantly tired throughout the day and day-napping shorts your desire to sleep at night, Sativa strains will help to keep you energized and going, restoring your sleep cycle in the process. Indica strains may be better for those who have a hard time calming down before sleeping. Indica strains induce a peaceful state that helps insomniacs to relax and stay asleep. Cannabinol (CBN) has a sedating effect that can also vastly improve sleep habits.
2. Helps a lacking appetite
The feeling of hunger is important because it incentivizes us to keep our bodies well fueled, however many suffering from chronic pain, HIV, and cancer lack appetites due to medicine, physical condition, and pain. Medicines used to treat illness and pain can cause leptin levels, an appetite suppressant, to increase which in turn causes patients to be disinterested in food. Marijuana helps to restore appetite with THC, which once introduced to the body, inhibits the production of leptin. Marijuana also helps cancer patients manage the side effects of chemo that cause nausea and pain.
3. Cancer Fighting
According to the American Association for Cancer Research, pure THC combined with pure CBD work to dramatically reduce tumor volumes when both are used with irradiation practices. AACR states that taken together these cannabinoids can produce a better radiation treatment response. Cannabinoids are also known to inhibit growth of aggressive cancer and neutralize tumor development.
4. MS Pain Management
Multiple Sclerosis can cause great pain, cognitive issues, and inflammation. Doctors can treat these symptoms with cannabis to relive pain, inflammation, and improve concentration. THC and CBD bind to brain receptors, blocking pain signal transmissions. CBD can work on multiple receptor systems to protect against unwanted symptoms and contains anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Prevent Alzheimer’s
A 2014 study found THC to be a treatment option for Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid proteins, Alzheimer’s main contributor to the development of the disease, slowed in production in response to a low dosage of THC. In 2006, research on the prevention of Alzheimer’s found conclusive evidence that THC prevents production of the disease-causing enzymes.
6 Relieve Arthritis
Arthritis takes on a variety of forms, however all have similar underlying issues of pain and swelling. Marijuana is well-known to readily relieve pain and reduce inflammation throughout the body. CBD can be topically applied to arthritic areas to relieve inflammation and pain without adverse side effects.
7. PTSD Treatment
Within the United States, Marijuana has become approved for PTSD treatments. Many veterans suffering from PTSD can find relief in the form of cannabis. Properties of cannabis regulate the system that produces fear, anxiety, and nightmares. In 2009, researchers tested patients with a synthetic cannabinoid and found nightmare intensity, daytime flashbacks, and nightsweats to be significantly reduced. Cannabis has also been found to improve sleep duration and sleep quality for those suffering from PTSD.
Insomnia: https://www.marijuanadoctors.com/conditions/insomnia/
Appetite: https://www.canabomedicalclinic.com/how-does-medical-cannabis-stimulate-appetite/
Cancer: https://mct.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2014/11/12/1535-7163.MCT-14-0402
MS: https://www.healthline.com/health/marijuana-and-epilepsy#how-it-works
Alzheimer’s: https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad140093
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